New Brighton Community Center, 400 10th St NW,
New Brighton MN, Room 224

Taxes in Retirement Educational Workshop

November 11th or 18th  |   6:00pm-7:30pm

*No charge to attend!

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Attend this educational workshop and learn about:

  • Most people do not analyze how taxes impact their retirement income 
  • Many do it wrong and pay thousands more in taxes than they should
  • There is a right and wrong way to take money from your different accounts 
  • Learn the strategies to withdraw your funds and pay the least amount of taxes 
  • The way you take distributions from Roth vs IRA vs Capital gains affects your taxes throughout retirement 
  • We can show you strategies to get the most out of your retirement funds and pay the least amount of tax 
  • Learn how 2026 tax changes will affect your retirement
  • Start planning now!

Meet the Presenter

Rob Bruner CFP® ChFC RICP®

Rob has specialized in retirement income and tax planning for the last 20 years. He loves educating his community about retirement and tax strategies so you can enjoy your well-earned retirement.

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